domingo, 29 de abril de 2007

Radio programme

After listening to the radio programme again (I had listened to it other year) I feel surprise about the amount of hours people work in countries like U.S. and Japan. In my opinion this is a very important reason why they are what they are: countries of the first world as work is what makes a countrie develop. For example, I think here in Argentina we work much less hours per day than these countries and in some way this is why we can't leave this terrible situation in which we are. Apart from this, we are always having more and more holidays which shows that the government is the one which promotes the lack of work. This is something terrible and demonstrates that the change can only get out from the normal people that work everyday.

1 comentario:

CAL dijo...

Looks like you still have quite a bit of work to catch up on, Lucas. I mean here on your blog.
Your work for Monday and Tuesday at the Computer Lab is:
1. Write a commentary on the extract that you chose and presented orally last Wednesday. It should be 300words minimum.
2. Search on the net for information about any current issue you might be interested in. It should be a global issue, not just regional. With at least a couple of articles you should write a report on each with the following info:
a) Title, source, and date of publication.
b) List the key words you had to look up in order to fully understand the article.
c) Take note of the main ideas.
d) Write a brief personal reaction/commentary on it.
You should have at least 2 articles and 2 reading reports done by Wednesday.